In a world where innovation continually reshapes our daily lives, the evolution of smart technology is bringing forth solutions that once seemed like a fictional dream. Among these groundbreaking advancements is Gauzy’s Smart Glass technology, a...
Every year Integrity employees anticipate gathering on a night in December to celebrate the Christmas season together hosted by our owners, Jeff and Ann Brannon. What used to be a small gathering in our owners home has now turned into a larger affair of around 50...
In the rapidly advancing world of home automation, motorized window treatments have emerged as a popular choice for homeowners seeking convenience, energy efficiency, and a touch of modern luxury. Say goodbye to manual operation and welcome the era of motorization,...
Fabulous Food On a beautiful Saturday in October, Integrity team members and their families gathered at a local park for our first annual Family Fun Day. Associates from departments all over the company attended, including sales, warehouse, installation, operations,...
One often overlooked safety aspect of our homes is the window treatments that offer privacy, light control, and an aesthetic touch. October is Window Treatment Safety Month: an important observance to call attention to the potential hazards associated with window...
Bright sunny days are often a clarion call to leave the confines of your home or office in order to enjoy the fresh air. What begins as an enjoyable time outdoors may turn into a quick retreat inside to escape the sun’s intensity. Many home and business owners are...